Recycle, Re-use and Waste to Energy
Playing Scrolls of Etiquette’s Song. All rights reserved 2024.
The Good Memories Remain
The picture shows the background of used and clean cartons collected from supermarkets and industrial companies. My mom and her partner had a private recycling business for nineteen years in the Philippines (from around year 1995-2014).
A Tribute to mom & Raymond
The beautiful things in life are free. Let your worries guide you and don’t let them break you. They had a wonderful time together.
Inspirations from Recycled and Upcycled Artworks and Interpretations
Interesting Facts
Do you know where this pizza carton belongs?
It goes to the burnable trash or “Rest Affald”.
Pizza trays contain oil stains and crumbs that do not belong together with clean and dry cardboard.
How jars and cans should be stored
Hormone-disrupting substance from plastic and cans
Be aware of bisphenol A (BPA) from plastic and cans. Read how to reduce your intake of BPA.
– Environment & Food Administration (Denmark)
Click to show. How to reduce intake of BPA
Use the packaging for what it is intended for.
Do not cook canned food. By heating cans of e.g. fire or grill, they can be heated to temperatures for which they are not designed, and harmful substances can be released from the paint on the inside of the cans or from the printing ink on the outside of the cans.
Always store food jars upright. Then the food does not come into contact with any bisphenol A in the lid.
How technology affects our gadgets and electronics usage? Be equally responsible
Click to show. Useful resources from electronic waste
Rapid innovation and lowering costs have dramatically increased access to electronic products and digital technology, with many benefits. This has led to an increase
in the use of electronic devices and equipment. The
unintended consequence of this is a ballooning of electronicand electrical waste: e-waste. –World Economic Forum
A Circular vision for electronics by WEF
Learn more about refurbishing of white wares. My interview with “De Grønne Hvidevarer”
Our mobile phones are made of raw materials that can be used again for a production of a new machine or electronic.
Electronic products contain substances that can be harmful to our environment. Some electronic products contain mercury, which is a metal and one of the most dangerous poisons known to us.
Upcycling of textiles.
“Pidayit” – to bond.
The practice of a sustainable fashion that is to reduce the chemicals and waste materials by upcycling materials from good resources.
Learn about the second-hand shops in Denmark that sells high-quality used clothes and textiles for those who are creative and willing to learn how to upcycle.
Read more
Where to buy
Read my article about The Danish Cancer Institute second-hand shop in Ringsted
The person behind “Pidayit” creations
Acoustic Panels made of textile waste HAACK Recycling.
How well do you know about waste segregation, upcycling, recycling and burning of trash that turns to energy?1
Unconsiously, we are already aware that trash doesn’t just dissolve under the ground or under water. If you are in doubt, reach out to your municipality about the plans for waste management. Read United Nation’s Article about Water Scarcity2.
Good quality clothes and textiles are a good choice.
Water scarcity comes into the subject
It is estimated that 2,700 liters of fresh water, equivalent to a single person’s drinking water needs for 2.5 years, are used to produce a single cotton t-shirt.
– Europe Parliament
How clothing production affects the climate & environment. Read more
The process of sorting and burning waste
“Posefiltre” / Bag filter
This process removes the particle dust, heavy metals, dioxins, hydrochloric acid (HCI) and sulfur dioxide (SO2)
I imagines it as our digestive system that filters the unnecessary chemicals or ingredients in our food that our body intakes.
There might be certain ways of segregating waste in every region or in multiple municipalities3. In our region, six municipalities works together with AffaldPlus as the resposible entity in collecting, segregating and turning waste to energy that is beneficial for both the local community and the environment. Excess energy produced is sent out of the neighboring countries for their electrical consumption.
Metal and Brass artworks
My all-time old school favorite Nature-inspired Filipino songs. Pictures are linked to YouTube.
This article is written voluntarily. No paid advertisements were made. I will highly appreciate your support by sharing it with your family, friends and anyone who might be interested to read and learn more about Scrolls of Etiquette (Blooming Etiquette).
Photos, diagrams, quotes and facts are given credits by linking the owners. These are not used for any commercial purposes. Photos and videos that I personally took can only be used and granted for private use aside from sharing from my website’s url by writing to me.
Sheree Ann Kratmann Indiongco (author)
All rights reserved 2024.
Read my article about The Danish Cancer Institute Second-hand shop in Ringsted, Denmark