Colors of the Sun


Sunset Memories
-Sheree Ann Kratmann Indiongco

To find a place
Where we could talk
You held my hands
And we start to walk

I looked around
You weren’t there
I must have been blinded
This dream, I must spare

Golden rays like a subtle touch
Memories keep coming back
To you I care this much
With hope, this must be good luck

Memories of the ocean:
Beautifully hand-painted by Roksana Gabrielova

The round and smooth hand-painted stones from the ocean bring joy and spark motivation to anyone who looks at them.

In the spring of 2024, I met Roksana. We were colleagues for a short while at a clothing store in Ringsted. She is a kind-hearted person who has a deep connection with the world, in which she expresses her thoughts through art. Today, we’ll learn about her artworks, how she started, and why being kind to others, ourselves and our environment is important.

“I had a period in my life where I started painting on stones because I was in the Canary Islands for some time and I got inspired by seeing these nice rocks on the beach, all rounded and smooth, so I started to paint on them, a thousand of them until it almost became a full-time job 🙂 “. -Roksana Gabrielova

Hardwork, Commitment and Patience

Painting by Fernando Amorsolo (Philippines)
Roksana and her Buddha painting

The Buddha gives me strength to stay focus and centered in my own beliefs, no matter what the situation of life, and the negative experiences we have sometimes, which the black snake in this picture represents.”. -Roksana Gabrielova

Painting on old LP’s, freely available surfaces and canvass

Watch the short video on YouTube

Water is older than the planet and we are also water, so we carry the history and wisdom of the universe“.

-Roksana G.

 It takes patience to complete a good project.

mask with beard by Danni wooden mask by danni


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A Day with the Bee Keepers

ShereeEDUCulture, Sustainability

Hvordan beskriver I en God Kvalitet Honning?

-Vivi og Henrik, Biavlere

Tips fra Biavlerne

Vivi: Alle må være biavlere, og bierne skal registreres i det centralt bigårdsregistreret CBR.

Biavlere logo

Man skal vælge en rolig bifamilie og det er en god idé at snakke med naboerne først. Man skal sikre at der er nok mad til bierne, altså at der er nektar og pollen nok i området i en omkreds af 500 meter fra april til september. Man kan også søge på internet om hvilke træer, buske og blomster der giver mest til bierne.

Det er en god idé at være flere om at dele en bifamilie i fx en kolonihave eller i et parcelhuskvarter. Bierne skal tilses en gang om ugen i højsæsonen og derfor er det fint at have andre som kan tage over når man skal på ferie. Vidensdeling, erfaring og mod er påkrævet, men det er også meget spændende at have bier og følge med i biernes levevis.

Vivi: Vil man gerne vil have bier i sin have, skal man gå på biskole via Danmarks biavlerforening og købe rolige bier hos en professionel. Honningbier er små dyr der skal passes og det kræver en masse viden. Det er ret omkostningstung at starte sin egen honningproduktions op. Det løber hurtigt op i kr. 10.000 (startpakke, bier, slynge, kursus) og der til kommer at man ind i mellem må købe en ny dronning eller en hel ny familie. Bierne kan blive syge og nogle gange dør de i løbet af vinteren. Man skal være opmærksom at når man vælger stadetype og rammemål låser man sig fast på det og kan nemmest købe bier fra andre som har samme mål. Man skal også have opmagasineringsplads til udstyr. Kig efter hvor kan man købe udstyr som voksplader og aflevere rammer til afvoksning.

Vivi: Ja vi vil gerne plante flere frugtbuske og træer. Vi har allerede tænkt over at der skal være nektar i hele sæsonen ved at plante fx frugttræer, pil og mælkebøtter til om foråret og fx kløver til sidst på sæsonen. Fordi vi ikke sprøjter har vi mange skvadderkål, tidsler og brændenælder, som både bier, sommerfugle og andre insekter søger føde i. Når vi heller ikke klipper græsset så tit, kommer der helt naturligt flere vilde blomster. Husk at det som vi ser som ukrudt faktisk er fødekilde for de insekterne.

Vivi: At honningen ikke er at blandingsprodukt fra mange lokaliteter, da hver egn har en forskellig sammensætning af træer og blomster. Vi synes at man heller ikke skal blande forårs og sensommerhonning sammen, forbi det bare er to forskellige slags honning, der gør det godt hver for sig.

Kvalitet er også at honningen varierer i smag og konsistens fra sted til sted.

Det er lidt som vin, hvor god kvalitetsvin er fremstillet på den enkelte gård med de druer som gården dyrker.

Vivi: Man kan starte med at låne en bog om biavl på biblioteket.

Watch my short, but worthwhile interview with the couple

Tak, fordi du læser med. Jeg glæder mig til at høre fra jer ved at skrive til mig eller tilmeld dig nyhedsbrev.

I kan også læse om de tjeneste vi tilbyder her

Med Venlig Hilsen

Sheree Ann Kratmann Indiongco

Part 2: Be Resourceful

ShereeEDUCulture, Sustainability, Technology

Be resourceful

Recycle, Re-use and Waste to Energy

12-minute Informative Video


Playing Scrolls of Etiquette’s Song. All rights reserved 2024.

The Good Memories Remain

The picture shows the background of used and clean cartons collected from supermarkets and industrial companies. My mom and her partner had a private recycling business for nineteen years in the Philippines (from around year 1995-2014).

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Part 1. Circular Economy

ShereeEDUCulture, Sustainability

Recycle, Reuse and Turning Waste to Energy

Most of the ceramics and glasses we have at home are from second-hand shops like Red Cross (Rød Kors genbrug), Kirken’s Korshær genbrug and The Danish Cancer Institute (Kræften’s Bekæmpelse genbrug). Some of these wares can also be found in individual/private garage sales and “loppemarked”, especially during the summer time in Denmark. “Den Blå Avis” (DBA) is also one of the best on-line webshops from the locals that I find reliable (of course, always be aware of making transactions). We have a set of stonewares Stogo from 1979 and we use them daily and on special occassions.

I recently visited one of the second-hand shops in Ringsted, which has the aim of selling high quality pre-loved items. They believe in sustainability or “bæredygtigt genbrug”. “Kræftens Bekæmpelse” or Danish Cancer Institute was established in 1991 in Aarhus, Denmark. These are donations from individuals, organizations and companies who support the concept. Today, they have 16 shops all over Denmark.

The Danish Cancer Institute

“Recycling and sustainability go hand in hand. When you shop in one of our stores or donate your recycled gold to us, you are not only supporting the cancer cause, you are also helping to take care of our environment and our climate.”


Danish Cancer Institute work within work within three main areas: Research, prevention and patient support.

– Kræftens Bekæmpelse

We bought this cabinet on DBA in 2022. It is made of recycled wood.

Upcoming Article: Part 2.

"The long awaited sequel of "Blooming Etiquette"

Roskilde Domkirke. Part 2: Leaving a Legacy


Wilhelm Marstrand’s portrait of Christian IV at the Trinity from ca. 1864.

Roskilde Domkirke. Part 2: Leaving a Legacy

Aside from being fascinated with soaring vaults and beautiful Sarcophagi, my curiosity about how the previous kings and queens of Denmark lived. Their deaths are either known, came as a surprise or can we define it as “fate”? One thing is certain – they left a legacy. Each of them had a royal motto (valgsprog in Danish). 

What would you do if you were given the chance to design your own sepuchral monument? You may be an artist who wishes to make a remarkable remembrance of you when you have to leave this world.

This beautiful piece of art is has been created by the artist, Bjørn Nørgaard (born 1947), in collaboration with the royal couple. It will remain covered until after the monarch is laid to rest. The current Her Majesty Queen Margrethe the 2nd has a motto “Guds hjælp, Folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke”. – God’s help, The People’s love, Denmark’s strength.

The monument is covered. It can be used as a bench, so one can sit and ponder at Birgitta’s chapel.

A view from the top where the Sarcophagi1 of Margrete 1., Duke Christopher of Lolland Margrete 1. older brother), Christian 5. and Frederik 4. can be seen.

Christian 5. He was fond of riding and hunting. He ruled after the reformation. His humbleness made the people loved him.

Harald’s Stone2. It tells a story when the country was transitioning from a tribal society to a Christian Kingdom. Harald writes that he is the king of the land and made the Danes Christian. Denmark’s birth certificate

Dating back to the 1080’s, when the church was first built, right even before they discovered the bricks in the 1100’s, there was a myth that King Harald Blåtands (Harald Bluetooths)3 grave was buried in the church in his death about 988, though there are no other sources or archaeological evidence to support this claim.

He was known as the ancestor of the Royal family. He was the king who united the kingdom and the Christian Danes.

Kultur ministeriet

This is considered the 2nd phase, approximately 960-990.

Denmark’s name appears for the first time. The stone was placed in about year 950 by “Gorm den Gamle” Gorm the Old in memory of his wife Thyra.

Every details inside the church reveals the belief and traditions associated with being either a christian or the other4.

The Baptismal Font is from 1602 and it replaced a medieval font.

This is the Part 2 of my video inside Roskilde Domkirke
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Roskilde Cathedral and the Royal Tombs


Part 1. Sarcophagi, Effigies and Gravestones

This article is under the subject “culture”. Learning about history allows us to understand how moral standards evolved and how traditions were put into practice.

“We only live once”. This is what every wise man would say. But we can only do much in our lifetime. To be able to do the things we enjoy and holding on to the values we believe are important is already a fulfillment. 

the pulpit
The Organ a.ka. Raphaëlis Organ

My fascination with art and history has led me to the discovery of the beautifully designed coffins and tombs inside a Christian church in Roskilde. One of the things that I find very interesting aside from the beautiful architecture using bricks and marble are a few stories behind every leadership of the kings and queens. I have gathered some of the most important information about both the cathedral and the life of kings and queens.

The King’s Door (Only the royalties can pass through it)

Forty kings and queens are thought to rest here – 37 graves are known with certainty. Altogether, there are more than 1000 graves in the church.” 

Guide to Roskilde Cathedral

Margrete 1. founded the Kalmar Union between Denmark, Norway and Sweden

  • 1376-1412 Denmark
  • 1380-1412 Norway
  • 1389-1412 Sweden

Kalmar Union

A Royal Union between the three kingdoms of Denmark, Norway and Sweden from 1397 – 1523. Erik of Pomerania was crowned king of three kingdoms


Quote. “Roskilde Cathedral is Denmark’s royal burial church, architecture of international class and an active parish church. The Cathedral has been selected by UNESCO as a site of outstanding universal value. Here are soaring vaults and a majestic atmosphere. According to the chronicle from the 1000s, King Harold Bluetooth built a wooden church in Roskilde. In 1022, Roskilde received its first bishop. About 1080, a new church was built in travertine where the present brick church now stands.” Quote. – Guide to Roskilde Cathedral

The portrait of Margrete 1.

It unfortunately lacks some description details. Therefore, it “may not” be the same face features as she was in real life.

-Photo (portrait) from the archives of The Royal Danish Library

Margrete 1. was the youngest daughter of Valdemar and Helvig, who exercised governmental power in Denmark, Norway and Sweden from 1376 – 1412. Her brother Christopher was supposed to reign, but died early at the age of 22. Since his death, the subsequent should take over.

Source: Danmarks historien
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